Braveheart’s First Year of Life—Part V

Dear Friends of Braveheart,

Many people have been asking me about the next update regarding Romee, aka Braveheart. I have much to share with you, having just returned from Truckee, near Lake Tahoe, for Romee’s first birthday celebration. Below you will see photos of Romee’s progression over the past few months, culminating with her first birthday.

The other news to share with you is that Romee’s mom, Danielle, is pregnant with a baby boy! The pregnancy came as a big surprise after years of infertility. Needless to say, Barrett and Danni are thrilled. The due date is September 26th, two months after Romee’s birthday.

Winter weather doesn’t stop Romee from being outside and enjoying herself.

This past March, at 8 months, Braveheart had to return to the Stanford Children’s Hospital because the reconstructed blood vessels made from cadaver tissue had begun to clog, supplying insufficient blood to the lungs. Stents were placed to keep the clogged vessels open, in order to delay a second open heart surgery. Braveheart did surprisingly well and was full of smiles.

After all the years of infertility——surprise!!!

Romee having fun at the pool. Danni has already taken Romee to a swimming class for babies. Romee seems to love the water.

One of Romee’s favorite activities is bath time.

Another favorite activity is jumping–with assistance from a bouncing seat.

Romee is a happy girl. She smiles a lot—as long as she isn’t tired, hungry, teething, or in need of a diaper change.

Books are captivating to Romee.

Romee can be engaged with a book for a long time–which translates to a few minutes.

Smiley Romee and Danni! Romee’s hair has begun to appear on her head. She loves to run her fingers into her soft hair.

It’s so much fun to play with the food!

Romee and Grandpa Michael, Danni’s father, mesmerized by a program called Ms. Rachel for babies and toddlers.

Romee takes her first steps without assistance. Her face reveals determination and concentration as she walks across the floor to her dad’s open arms. On the way to the other side, she stopped to clap her hands at her accomplishment.

Gramma Rikki and Romee! I came for Romee’s one-year-old celebration. The pacifier in her mouth helped soothe her after a bad fall that caused a little cut and a lump between her eyebrows. She recovered quickly.

We went out for dinner the day before the birthday party. Barrett is holding Romee while she tries to figure out the menu. She is full of curiosity and quick to learn. She wants very much to be able to talk, beyond simply saying “ma ma,” “da da,” and “uh oh.”

On the second day of the visit, we went to Donner Lake, a large, pristine body of water near the historic Donner Pass where many people in the Donner Party died one winter in the 1840s while trying to cross over the snow-packed Sierra Mountains and into Sacramento. This group stands out from other groups that perished, because many of the people in the Donner Party resorted to cannibalism to survive.

Danni, Romee, and Danni’s sister, Nicole, at the beach at Donner Lake.

Barrett made arrangements for Romee’s grandparents to get a thrill on the granite rocks and cliffs at the Palisades Ski Area. He arranged a guide to take us rock climbing up the rock face. Although our route looked daunting from the ground, it was actually very safe because we each had a harness and a sling with a carabiner that we attached to a fixed cable. For the areas without good hand or toe holds, metal ones had been placed. This manner of rock climbing is totally safe with only a minuscule risk of getting hurt.

On the sheer rock face, we relied on the metal toe and hand holds.

Traversing a ledge, focusing on the present moment, and not looking down. Barrett puts himself at the rear, making sure the three septuagenarians are not in danger.

Narrow passageway to the next rock face…too narrow for anyone significantly overweight—or pregnant.

Grandpa Michael, Gramma Rikki, and BeBe, with Barrett watching over us. Sadly, Grandpa Tom, Barrett’s father, could not come for the gathering in Truckee due to a heart issue he’s dealing with. May he heal quickly!!

The birthday girl is clapping for joy!

Romee shares her birthday cake with her mom.

Romee loves to play in the little pool on the balcony. Many friends with small children showed up for Romee’s birthday celebration. It was a happy time.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Romee! We love you!

Next time I see Braveheart, she’ll have a little brother.

Thank you for all the care and concern many of you have had for Baby Romee over this past year. Such love and support can move mountains.

With love,

Gramma Rikki



Braveheart’s First Year of Life—Part V — 66 Comments

  1. So many many reasons to celebrate!! Thank you for sharing the joy.
    You are right, prayers do move mountains. My continued prayers coming your way as we await the safe arrival of the little bro dude.

    • How amazing to hear from you, Jane. Just today I was wondering how you are doing. In fact, I wonder about that ofter. In any case, thank you so much for your kind words. Sending you much love always, Erica

  2. Oh, my goodness she is so precious! Exciting news – a new grandbaby to spoil!
    I love that y’all went climbing together – such fun and a beautiful place.
    Miss you so much!

    • I miss you too, Peri!! I think of you often and pray that your health is as good as possible. You are such a strong and beautiful human being. Much love, Erica

  3. I’ve scrolled through these joyful pictures so many times since you posted them, Erica, and I never tire of the heartwarming images and the joy they make me feel. Romee is precious, and it’s absolutely thrilling that she has a baby brother on the way. (I know we all look forward to hearing about him and seeing pictures.) He’ll have wonderful parents and a terrific big sister. Boundless blessings to you and your family.

    Much love,

    • I always love hearing what you have to say, Janet. Thank you for your thoughtful and heartfelt comments. With much love, Erica

  4. What a miracle, what a beautiful Romee and what a beautful family!
    Erica, you are so blessed and so are you all ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Erica we are thrilled with all the heartfelt loving news….I almost replied ASAP on every single thing,…
    But now see I was smart to wait,….as others said it all too!
    So much happiness shared, hallejuah!!!
    Thinking of you often, thanks for including us…we love you so much Erica.

  6. Dearest Gramma Rikki, love hearing about Romee’s first Birthday celebration with photos that tell volumes! The joy on both Romee’s face and yours is absolutely contagious. That little girl is a warrior, just like her Gramma!
    And such wonderful news of Romme’s baby brother, arriving in September. Our world is blessed to have this young family, dedicated parents as Danni and Barrett, and attentive thriving grandparents who are rock climbing! Love to all, Sara

    • Thank you, Sara, for your heartfelt message! I hope you get to meet Barrett’s family sometime! Maybe they’ll come visit someday while you’re in Santa Fe! Love you! E

  7. Erica, these photos are wonderful. Romee’s beautiful, happy, playful spirit shines through in every image of her. And the septuagenarian rock climbing! Wow, you are an impressive lady. I miss you and hope to see you when I can get back to Santa Fe for a visit.

    • Hi Sarah! Thank you for your lovely message!! I have been thinking of you a lot lately because I’m working on my third memoir and also working on my 4th book, called “The Medical Detective: Simple Solutions for Solving Medical Mysteries.” Your stepmother at Chelsea Green said, several years ago, that they might be interested in publishing that book. I’ll email you. In any case, it was great hearing from you and reading your heartfelt message. Love, Erica

  8. Erica,
    Love all the photos, smiles, and joy being shared. Glad you got to be there for little Miss Braveheart’s 1st birthday!! She is a radiant beauty. So happy to hear a little brother is on his way. What an adventure for the Grandparents rock climbing! Inspiring.
    Hope your journey there and back was smoother than the trip last October. Looks like you’re becoming a pro at flying that routing.
    Aloha, Kitt

    • How lovely to hear from you, Kitt—all the way from Maui!!! Yes,I’m becoming much for knowledgeable about flying that route to Truckee and back. You were so kind with offering your help to me. Thank you so much for your comments about the blog post. I hope you are thriving–in spite of the strange times we live in. Love, Erica

  9. I can’t help but wonder if someday little Braveheart will follow in Grandma Rikki’s footsteps and get herself a mountain named after her…..!

    So happy to see the photos, I think we have all fallen in love with her. What a dear soul, her eyes reveal such joy and resilience.

    And! another baby on the way!….what a full-throttle birthday bash!

    lots of love, many blessings and big hugs,


  10. Thank you, dear Erica, for sharing the precious life of Braveheart with us. So great that she will have a brother soon and you will have two grandchildren! Love, Traude

    • Thank you, Traude!! I so appreciate your comments. You seem to be thriving yourself—living life fully. Much love always, Erica

  11. Erica, Romee is adorable. it must be so hard being away while she is growing up. I was also with a couple of my grandchildren , but like I made up for it when I was with them. mine are all in the 30’s now but one who is 45. I know you are going to be with them as much as you can. such a joy.

    The pictures are great. Bravo to the other grandparents. you and Garret are the pros.

    Much love to you ❤️

    • I’m so happy you enjoy the post, Anne. Yes, you know all about grandchildren. I’m a beginner at being a grandma and am loving the experience. With much love, Erica

  12. Awesome, Erica. Your photos bring Romeo’s life alive. One happy family and well loved little girl.
    I hope you’re feeling as good as you look.

    Love, Bob

    • I always love reading your comments. Thank you, Bob. I hope you are doing well——in spite of it all! Sending you much love, Erica

  13. What a wonderful sharing about baby Romee and the whole family and your visit. My heart is filled with gratitude that she is well and thriving and clearly, so full of joy! Much love to Danielle and Barrett as they prepare to give birth to their next child, and light around this whole great family, including you dearest Erica!

  14. Thank you for this wonderful update with photos that show a happy, beautiful girl and are such fun to see. And news of a brother on the way. Please keep us updated.

  15. Gramma Rikki,
    Thanks for the update on Romee. Our prayers are with her as she journeys to complete health and normalcy.
    Much Love from Waco,
    Pete & Sue

  16. Oh Erica, thank you for this joyful update about Braveheart and the news of her soon-to-be little brother. I’ve been hoping for more news—! What a
    year it has been for you all!
    I look forward to catching up sometime soon.
    Sending love and gratitude for Romee’s journey!

    • What a nice surprise to hear from you, Nita!! I have been holding a place in my heart for you, even though it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. I think of you and hope that you are doing well and pain-free. Many blessings to you, Erica

  17. Erica, such a heart-opening sharing of Baby Romee’s first birthday! She is amazing. I am so thrilled about the little boy coming in September. Danni and Barrett will have their hands full! Full off Love!

    So glad you could go to Truckee for the celebration and get back into climbing gear! What a wonderful adventure you all had.
    Love, Patty

  18. I can’t tell you how much I In Joyed the latest update on Romme and all of the amazing photos you provided. She is a real cutie. You made my day Erica with all of the positive photos. So nice to see something positive for a change. Congratulations on being a grandmother to a baby boy. What a wonderful surprise that was. Please keep us informed when that blessed event happens. Many blessings and lots of love coming to all…..

    • AW! So lovely what you said. It makes me so happy that you enjoyed the Romee update. I will be sure to let you know about the baby boy when he is born. Much love, Erica

  19. So beautiful to see these photos and get the update. What a journey!! Wonderful to see her thriving. Much love to all!

  20. A beautiful baby who’s so lucky to have such strong and loving family support! Gramma Rikki … so sweet! Happy you got to celebrate with everyone~

  21. Surely we are all in love with Braveheart Romee! It is amazing how healthy she looks! Thank you Erica for sharing photos of the happy family.

    • We are so fortunate that she is such a healthy and happy girl—in spite of it all. Thanks for your much appreciate comment. Love, Erica

  22. Deep gratitude Erica , for sharing all these wonderful photos of your bodacious Baby Braveheart!!! Wonderful beyond wonderful…. Such an inspiration is “BB”!!!
    Gratitude for all of us being able to witness the miracles thru your posts.
    And….. how fab to hear of you bravely rock climbing!!!!
    All love🙏❤️

  23. Erica, thrilled for all of you. Such a joyful, vibrant little girl. And already having the instinct to celebrate herself at great achievements! It’s great to see Barrett after all these years. Such a handsome man. I know you are proud of him!

    • Thank you so much, Karen! I love what you said and your observations. I can’t wait to hear more about Max and family. Love you! E

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