Braveheart’s Baby Brother Benji—Part VI

Romee, aka Braveheart, knows that something exciting is about to happen, but she’s not sure exactly what it is.

Last winter, Danni began to feel like her abdomen was swelling. She took a pregnancy test. The positive results thoroughly surprised her—and everyone else in the family. What a miracle after many years of infertility and having to resort to In Vitro Fertilization! Danni and Barrett went to the local hospital to get an ultrasound which revealed a 12 week old baby boy. What joy!

Now, at 14 months, Romee seems to be on the verge of talking. Although she understands much of what is said to her, she is trying very hard to speak by mimicking various sounds. She knows a few words, and she uses a bit of sign language to communicate. She smiles a lot and seems to thoroughly enjoy her life.

Barrett’s dad, Tom Dwyer, came from Silver City, New Mexico, for a visit. Due to unforeseen circumstances, he wasn’t able to join us for Romee’s first birthday, unfortunately.

Tom and Barrett had a happy time together.

“Okay, guys. I’m all set. What are we doing today?”

Romee got excited when she learned to walk just before her first birthday. She liked to walk very fast and even run, but fell down frequently and hit her head. She refused to wear a helmet, but accepted the padding on her head which helped her avoid a concussion. At this stage she has good balance and no longer needs the padding, but she likes to wear it anyway for fun.

“Oh my gosh, Mommy. The baby boy is enormous!”

“I’m so excited about my baby brother, I can hardly wait!”

“Im going to do some organizing here for my little brother. I’m going to help get everything set up, including his diapers.”

Danni’s mother and father, Denise and Michael, came to help out for a few weeks. They arrived just before the baby was born on September 26th, 2024.

Romee loves to “read” books or have books read to her by her favorite people.

Even if no one is around to read to her, Romee entertains herself by looking at her books and trying to make sounds similar to real words.

Surprise!! No Name Baby Boy arrived!


My heart melts just looking at this image! No words needed.

Baby Benji, you bring tears to my eyes. By the way, you look a lot like your sister.

Baby Benji ready to go outside on a stroll

Five-day old Benji, out for a drive with his big sister Romee, 433 days old. They are 14 months apart.

Life is good!!


Braveheart’s Baby Brother Benji—Part VI — 60 Comments

  1. wow, Erica, thank you so much for these incredibly adorable photos and wonderful narrative! What a beautiful and joyous family! I love Romee’s little outfits too! I’m so happy for all of you! What an incredible blessing these two beautiful beings are to all of you! And, they are so very lucky to have you as their grandma. Love and hugs, Linda

  2. Beautiful pictures, wonderful heartfelt story! Happy for the whole family. Blessings and love to all.

    Cathy Louisell

  3. What a nice surprise to get your lovely photos and remarks about the newborn and the kids. Lovely indeed. Great good lucky best wishes to all.

  4. What a beautiful, heartwarming message! Thank you so much for sharing your joy! I am so happy for you and all around who can witness these miracles life is presenting. With love, Traude

  5. Oh, my God! Romee is such a beauty, and obviously bright and cheery. What a blessings after her and her parents’ ordeal to welcome such a gorgeous boy. Congratulations. Thank you for the beautiful photos.

  6. These are the most wonderful pictures of a joyful happy family and two beautiful children. I’m so happy for you Erica! Happiness shows in every face here. We’re celebrating with you and so grateful for these beautiful healthy children for Danni and Barrett!

  7. U started my day with big smiles and a few tears. Big hugs to u and Barrett and Danni. I can’t write as well as u, but I will send pictures when Ryan and Kelsey’s little girl is born the end of this month. I love our family.☺️🤗

  8. Youe beautiful family is growing, Erica, and that beauty is expanding inside of you, as well! I see it reaching into all the tiny crevices of your being, touching and spreading the feeling of joy and its heavenly balm to all your cells, aligning and reordering all into perfect alignment. It’s nothing less than you truly deserve, Erica, a recompense and balance for all you’ve given to others. Much love always, Daniel

    • Dear Daniel, what a pleasure to hear from you!! I always think of you fondly, even though I haven’t seen you in ages. Thank you for those beautiful words. I let every word soak into my marrow.Sending you much love, Erica

  9. What wonderful news, what wonderful images. I am so happy for this joyful arrival and Romee’s continued health!
    Blessings to all the happy family!

  10. What a great post, Erica! I love seeing these images and following along with their beautiful journey. What a lucky grandma you are!

  11. I have the biggest tears in my eyes, I am so happy for Danni, Barrett, Romee and all the family, including the doting grandparents! Baby Benji is adorable, so precious. And Miss Romee is such a big girl now with a mischievous smile! Congratulations all around!

  12. So happy for all of you!
    Elizabeth Grace( Zia) was born on September 25 th, so, she and Benji were almost born on the same day!!

  13. Omigosh, Erica! How thrilling! The pictures are fabulous. Thank you for sending them. I always look forward to your updates.

    Romee is as adorable as ever, and Benji is every bit as captivating. Heartfelt congratulations to Danni and Barrett. What a wonderful family, and what a terrific grandmother Romee and Benji have in you. Much joy to all.


    • Hi Han! Thanks for your kind words. I will pass on the information about the softstar mocs. I hope you’re doing well. Love, Erica

  14. There’s so much beauty and joy in those two small bundles.
    Thank you for the update and congratulations to the whole family.

  15. Oh my goodness! You are the luckiest and the most deserving! Lots of love from Chris, in Seattle on today, St Francis day, visiting my two sweet girls born in 88 and 92. Tomorrow is Petra’s birthday.

    • Thank you for your kind words, Chris. How exciting that you with with your two daughters. Please give my love to Zoe. Love, Erica

  16. Erica,
    Thank you for sharing these precious photos and the wonderful news. What unexpected joy! Keep us posted.

    • Yes, she certainly is irresistible. She’s also got a good sense of humor at this young, preverbal age. I see the mischievous girl written all over her adorable face.

  17. Congratulations to a vibrant happy extended family and cheers to the new Buddha Boy. Your photos show that despite shocking setbacks and an outside world busily collapsing, persistent love conquers all.

    • Dear Bob, your words rang true to me. The world is indeed collapsing, yet persistent love conquers all. I always love what you write. Warm hugs, Erica

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