Sugar and the Immune System

About twenty-five years ago, I read an article in a German medical journal that made a lasting impression. The article was about an unusual study that demonstrated the immediate effects of sugar and simple carbohydrates on the immune system. The researchers found a healthy female volunteer who agreed to participate in the study and have her blood tested after each meal she ate. The researchers admitted her to the local teaching hospital where all her food intake could be carefully tracked and documented. Under those conditions, there was no way to cheat and eat some food that was not part … Continue reading

Cause of Chronic Sinusitis

More than 40 million people in the US suffer from chronic sinusitis, making it one of the more common ailments that doctors treat. The mainstream method of treatment is to give round after round of antibiotics. Patients initially feel better while they’re on the antibiotics, but then the symptoms return a few weeks later. In 1999, the Mayo Clinic did a study of 210 patients with chronic sinusitis. Biopsies of the sinus cavities and mucous discharge were examined and cultured. The results took mainstream medicine by surprise. Ninety-six percent of the patients had fungal overgrowth in their sinuses, along with … Continue reading

Vegan/Vegetarian—To Be or Not to Be

We’ve all heard about the benefits of being a vegan or vegetarian. Some of the touted benefits include heart health, weight loss, decreased cancer risk, and decreased risk of diabetes. Sounds good, doesn’t it? But all those benefits to one’s health are potential benefits, not a guarantee. To be a healthy vegan or vegetarian, one has to be knowledgeable and thoughtful about what one is eating. Some of my sickest patients have been vegetarians. The problem was NOT about eating a vegetarian diet in itself. The problem was HOW the diet was implemented. When I take a detailed medical history, … Continue reading

Cholesterol Controversy—Part III

Have you ever wondered what the cholesterol numbers on your blood tests really mean? And have you wondered when you should be concerned about them? The numbers may not mean what you think or what you’ve been told. I had a first hand experience with that discrepancy in the early 1990s. In the clinic where I worked, I experienced multiple organ damage from chronic exposure to toxic chemicals, including pesticides and disinfectants. Routine blood work showed that my cholesterol level had plummeted to 120 mg/dl. By national standards, anything less than 200 mg/dl is considered optimal. No lower limit is … Continue reading

Cholesterol Controversy—Part II

As you know, cholesterol has been demonized over the past several decades. It’s been unfairly blamed for most cases of heart disease. Yet, according to a major study, 50% of the people who suffered a heart attack had normal cholesterol levels. Nevertheless, the mainstream dogma is “the lower the cholesterol, the better.” In the last couple decades, cardiologists have been pressuring the public to drastically lower their cholesterol levels, down from what was previously considered an acceptable level. Not that long ago, an LDL of 130 mg/dl was considered acceptable. Now the recommended level is less than 100 mg/dl. The … Continue reading

Cholesterol Controversy—Part I

Do you remember when cardiologists advised us to switch to margarine in order to protect our hearts? They sure got that one wrong. The hydrogenated trans fats actually promote heart disease. We’ve received harmful advice more than a few times. Until a few months ago, health experts have been telling us to avoid cholesterol-rich foods like eggs, red meat, butter, and cheese because they said it would make the cholesterol in our blood go up and cause heart disease. And we were also advised to eat a low fat diet for heart health. In reality, the intake of cholesterol-rich foods … Continue reading

What’s Wrong with Wheat—the Staff of Life?

Why has wheat become such a big problem? Some critics believe that wheat avoidance is simply the latest food craze. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Wheat conventionally grown in the US no longer resembles what our ancestors ate and what people referred to as the “staff of life.” In my medical practice, I began to notice a steep rise in gut complaints and food allergies, beginning in the early 1990s. Around the same time, a growing number of patients reported that they felt better when they were off wheat, even when the celiac tests were negative. I was determined … Continue reading

Vaccines and Autism—Is there a Relationship?

Last month, when the vaccine hysteria was at a high pitch in the media, a prominent, well-respected neurosurgeon was interviewed on national TV about his views on vaccines. Specifically, he was asked if there was any connection between autism and vaccines. He said, “It’s been proven that there is no connection between autism and vaccines. I’ve had all my children vaccinated and they have had no problem with it. So, you see, the vaccines are safe.” Really, Doctor?? How can you say that there is no problem simply because your children did not have a problem? What about the role … Continue reading

Placebo—The Power of the Mind

At 12,000 feet in the Andes, I lived with descendants of the Incas, Indians who had never seen a white woman in their village, viewed me with suspicion and then overnight saw me as a magic healer. They lined up outside my door to be healed. In 1974 I had never heard of the word “placebo” and didn’t even know about the concept behind the word. Below is an excerpt from my memoir, the story of how I came face to face with the placebo effect high in the Andes Mountains. —————————————————————————————- The hacienda reeked of neglect, abandoned for nearly … Continue reading

Vaccine Controversy

With the intense controversy and near hysteria over vaccination, for the thoughtful, enquiring person or the concerned parent trying to make wise choices for their children, sorting out the data and finding research done without vested interests controlling the outcome, can be a daunting challenge. The basic concept of vaccination is brilliant, somewhat reminiscent of homeopathy—like cures like. Without question, vaccines have made a difference in lowering the prevalence of certain diseases throughout the world. Yet, a small but significant percentage of people have had major, life-disrupting reactions to the vaccines that have left them permanently impaired. Some have even … Continue reading